How To Get Rid Of Moles Naturally
Are you interested in knowing how to get rid of moles naturally? Are you unhappy with the way you look because your facial beauty has been tarnished by the obnoxious presence of skin moles?

 Are you tired of looking at your face which is now full of  warts or skin tags? Do you actually feel desperate that you must do something to remove those ugly things from your body? Then I suppose you have come to the right spot.

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For, I was also a victim of ugly moles once and I really wanted to do away with them. But it was not an easy task. Making the right decision is not always easy when there is a plethora of choices around. This is why I have started this blog so that I might let you know all about moles and warts and show you how to get rid of moles naturally

 Now first thing first. What really is a skin mole? For your information, hyperpigmentation of the cells leads to skin moles. Factors such as excessive exposure to sunlight and genetics may be responsible for the development of skin moles. A mole is actually a collection of pigmented cells. It is slightly raised from the surface of the skin and may be brown or black in color. Some of the moles may be round, while others may be irregular. There may be any number of skin moles on a human body. These moles may be detected at birth or may be discovered later as you grow up.

There may be a wide variety of causes that can lead to skin moles appearing on the body and while some of these can be prevented, there are times when the skin moles appear because of the combination of several complex factors, and hence can hardly be prevented.

You may find that these moles appear on your body at different times of your life. Sometimes they appear more frequently than at other times. This could be due to different changes occurring inside your body at various stages of life. At some point in time, you might find them rarely on your body, while at other times they may become quite a nuisance. However, all this vary from person to person and their specific lifestyle and genetic makeup.

Genetics and heredity do play an important role in the formation of skin moles. When we are conceived, we inherit a variety of genetic patterns from both the parents. While some of these may dictate harmless features like hair and eye color, others may not be so benign. Indeed, there are many annoying genetic characteristics that can pass from one generation to another and one may unknowingly carry these around in his or her genes.

Mole removal surgery---its benefits and drawbacks

get rid of moles naturally
Moles can be formed in various places of the body and as a rule they are normally harmless. When they do pose a risk, they need to be removed immediately so that they can do no further damage to your body.

There are a variety of procedures which are used during mole surgery and these are dependent on factors such as the appearance of the mole, its position on the body and the personal choice of the individual who wants to remove it.

While some of these surgeries are preferable due to the fact that they do not leave any scarring, many of them cannot be used if the mole in question turn out to be cancerous. In this case, you must consult a medical practitioner who will advise you on what procedure you should follow.

Laser surgery and mole removal

Laser Surgery is one of the options available when it comes to removing moles on the body. This type of surgery is definitely hi-tech and differs from others in many respects as the chances of scarring are unlikely to occur. This surgery allows the patient to lie awake while the moles are removed using a laser instead of a scalpel. The skin itself is not cut open and the wound heals a lot faster than it normally would. After the surgery is complete, the wound will form a scab and it will then fall off leaving only a trace of red skin that might stay like that for some days. However, the problem with this type of surgery is that though popular it is one of the most expensive options, which few people can afford.

Excision with stitches

An excision with stitches is another way to get rid of a mole surgically and this is usually done when the mole needs pathological examination. The entire mole is removed and this cut can be quite deep. Once the mole is removed the wound is closed with stitches. When this is done the wound might take quite a while to heal. The wound might also leave a scar and its size will depend on the size of this wound.

Cauterization and mole removal

Another way of removing a mole through surgery is the use of a cauterization tool. Through this method, the mole is removed by burning it off. Since there is no cutting used to remove the mole the wound does not leave a scar. Once the wound is open, bacteria can infiltrate and the wound can become infected. Hence, antibiotics are placed within the wound as soon as it is opened so that it remains infection-free.

Cryosurgery and mole removal

There are a number of ways in which this can be done but the tool of removal is the same. A freezing liquid is placed either on the mole itself or deeper into the skin in order to get rid of the skin cells causing the problem. When the liquid is injected into the affected area it will begin to freeze the cells which promote the growth of a mole. Through this method, the mole is completely destroyed without involving any cutting through the skin.

This can be used on moles that lie on the surface of the skin as well as on moles that are placed deeper within the skin’s layers. In both cases this method of removal is effective and there is no chance of ugly scarring. However, this procedure cannot be done on moles that are malignant.

 Choice of surgery depends on individual

While choosing one of these methods, the individual should always be aware of the choices he has in his hands when it comes to mole removal surgery. He should be aware of all of the pros and cons of a certain type of surgery before he arrives at a decision.

 Natural mole removal

Removing moles through surgery can be an expensive as well as a painful process. This is why so many people these days are looking for natural removal methods that might give them the desired result.

The best ingredients are often the most natural ones. For many years people have been using nature as their primary source of medical treatment. These ingredients are inexpensive and they are also healthier for your body. Besides, they do not have any harmful side-effects.

When it comes to using natural ingredients to get rid of moles, you may have to try a few before one works for you. This choice is a very personal one and so you alone must decide which one happens to be the best option for you.

 Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree oil has been known to cure many skin problems such as warts and moles. This remedy is easy to use and this is what makes it so popular.

Patients who want their moles removed simply need to wipe the mole and its surrounding area with a cotton swab dipped in this oil. This should be done a few times a day for a couple of weeks before the mole drops off automatically. This is a painless procedure and there is little or no scarring after the mole is removed. This is also a very affordable product with little or no known side effects.

 Castor Oil

Castor Oil is a very common method used to remove moles. This option is applied much the same way as it is with the Tea Tree Oil. The patient needs to apply it using a cotton swab to the area in question for about a couple of weeks.

After two weeks, the patient should notice that the mole has begun to shrink or it might have dropped off completely. This remedy should be applied at least twice a day in order to see any kind of results.

 Sour Apple

To use this natural remedy one may use either a slice of a sour apple or the juice itself to remove a mole. When using the juice a few drops of the liquid should be placed on a cotton swab and then rubbed over the affected area at least three times a day.

Any brand of sour apple can be used and they can usually be purchased at a local supermarket. This is a very inexpensive method of eliminating this problem and the results should be seen within a few weeks.

 Baking Soda

Baking soda has been known to remove moles along with a variety of other methods. It is usually added to another ingredient such as apple cider vinegar or castor oil. This has been known to be one of the most powerful methods of mole removal and thus many patients turn to it when they are looking for a mole removal cure.

Depending on the added ingredient, the method of application usually involves an application of  a paste on the affected area. This paste is then applied a few times more during the day and within a few weeks results can be seen.

This method is especially effective on flat moles around the body and it might not be as effective when the mole is raised. For this reason,  it might be best to attempt other methods if this particular one achieves no fruitful result.

 Onion Juice

Onion juice is another great natural way to remove moles. You can purchase it at the local grocery store or you can make one for yourself. Applying it is simple and it won’t take long before you start seeing some remarkable results.

This is also a very inexpensive and non-painful way to get rid of moles. You simply have to rub the mole with this juice few times a day and wait for the mole to disappear. This might happen slowly at first but soon you will notice that the mole has dropped off.

 Dandelion Roots

Dandelion roots are a great mole-removing option because they can be found in your own garden. Not only is this one of the least expensive methods of mole removal but it has also been known to be very effective.

Using these roots is simple and you can do it yourself in your own home. You simply need to extract a bit of the milky liquid from the root of a Dandelion and rub it directly on your mole. This should be done two or three times a day in order for it to be effective. You will get great results after a few weeks.

Potato Peelings

Some plants have certain enzymes that can reduce the size of the mole and it is said that the peelings of a potato can help you get rid of your mole. When you use potatoes, make sure not to throw away the peelings as they are very useful to get rid of moles. 

Gather them in a small bowl and pound them. Use these pounded peelings to rub on the area of the mole every day. You can also choose not to pound them and directly rub them on the area. Just be sure not to overdo it because doing so might irritate the area. It would also help if the potato peelings are fresh.

Squeezed Garlic

Garlic is also one organic remedy that you can try to help you remove your mole. Get some cloves of garlic and pound them or blend them until their juice comes out. Once you obtain it, rub it on the area of the mole. It does not matter if some garlic particles are included–in fact, it is much better.
It might help to apply a small amount of petroleum jelly first before applying the substance in order to avoid redness and irritation that can occur from rubbing. Take extra caution if you have sensitive skin. However,  make sure to apply only a thin layer so that the juice will still penetrate the mole. 

The Banana Peel

This method might be quite odd for most of you who are seeking home remedies; however, it can be quite useful if you are just spending the day inside the house.

This requires you to save your banana peelings and to put it on top of your mole. You need to secure it with medical tape or else the banana peeling will slide off.

Make sure the banana is still ripe as this is the best time to use it. It is most effective when used for many hours. If you want, you can take it off only when you need to take a bath or when you have to leave the house. If done daily for months, it could be effective in removing your mole. 

Grapefruit Seed Extract

You can find a grapefruit seed extract in most department stores and grocery stores. All you have to do is to apply one drop to the mole and cover it with gauze. Secure it with medical tape so that it will not slide off the area. You have to do this two to three times everyday for two weeks or three weeks until you can see a noticeable reduction in the size of your mole. 


If you are fond of buying unripe walnuts, you can make a home remedy for moles out of it. Simply slice the outer covering and rub the juice that comes out on your mole. Be careful though as it may cause irritation on sensitive skin and this is not needed when one opts for how to get rid of skin moles.

  The usefulness of natural products in mole removal

One of the main benefits when it comes to removing moles and warts naturally is that there is no scarring involved in the procedure. During these procedures,  the mole simply falls off once the product has been properly applied. This is also a much less painful way of removing them and you can easily do it easily in your own home. However, if you do not want to spend months applying natural ingredients and waiting for them to work, you can select a natural mole-removal product such as Haloderm.

Nowadays a huge number of companies offer various options for skin mole eradication. The market is full of products and it is very difficult to make a decision which one to use.

But Haloderm is indeed one of the best products around, which has received the highest ratings from users for the last few years. Unlike other products, it can remove moles, warts, skin tags and has  proven to be very effective. If your mole is not too huge, you can see permanent results overnight.

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