Natural Moles, warts And Skin Tags Removal

You may be one of those few people like me who shudder at the prospect of using needles, knife or strong chemicals on the face. My only experience of mole removal was a laser treatment. It wasn’t painful but I was very apprehensive and anxious about its outcome. Besides, it was so expensive!

 Nobody really likes to tackle skin moles, warts, and skin tags surgically, do we? But there is no denying that if you wish to leave them alone, they look so ugly and dreadful! Indeed, natural moles, warts and skin tags removal is the best way to get rid of them.

If you prefer a natural treatment, consider these remedies for removal of moles, warts and skin tags:

1)  Apply apple cider vinegar on the skin warts with a cotton ball and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with water and leave it to dry.

2) Do you know that you can dissolve an aspirin with a small drop of water and apply to the wart. Cover with a plaster and repeat twice daily.

3) Talking about home remedies – you can mix some baking soda in water and rub on the wart 3-4 times daily. You can soak a clean cloth gauze with a mixture of baking soda and castor oil and apply it on the skin mole. Use a plaster to keep the cloth in place and leave it for the night.

4) To get rid of plantar warts, daily take a piece of ripe (or raw) banana peel and apply the pulp side to the wart and cover with a band-aid. Remove it only when taking a shower. Apply daily for a few months.

For old skin warts, chew some cashews and place it on the wart. Your warts should melt away in 3-4 weeks.

Rub some crushed garlic on the mole or wart 2-3 times daily until it disappears in 3-4 weeks. Mash a garlic clove so it is pulpy and moist and cover the skin wart with this pulp and secure it. Leave it for the night and warts will start disappearing from the first night.

Even our favorite food ingredient – the healing onion can do the mole warts removal job! Chop up one raw onion and cover with salt and leave overnight. Use the juice and apply it on the skin warts 2-3 times daily until warts disappear.

Do you want to find out more about natural moles, warts and skin tags removal? Do you want to change the way you look for good? Go for the easiest option. Try Haloderm  mole removal cream.

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